Ebook {Epub PDF} Flatterland: Like Flatland Only More So by Ian Stewart
In this "sequel" to Flatland, popular mathematics writer Ian Stewart lets us accompany the granddaugther of the original "A. Square" who starred in original classic, as she learns about fractal dimensions, new developments in mathematical physics, and other mathematical wonders unknown to Abbott.. In general, it is a pretty good read, which is really more than I expected of it. Ian Stewart's Flatterland has been around since , but I've only just come across it. It is, of course a sequel to the famous novella Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott dating back to The original Flatland is perhaps the archetype of a book that is based /5. · Now, from mathematician and accomplished science writer Ian Stewart, comes what Nature calls ''a superb sequel.'' Through larger-than-life characters and an inspired story line, Flatterland explores our present understanding of the shape and origins of the universe, the nature of space, time, and matter, as well as modern geometries and their applications/5(45).
Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So|Ian Stewart, Bounty Hunter Redemption: Code Of The Cobra|Kara Lennox, The Fear Of The Lord Is Wisdom|Kristian Perez, American Labour And Consensus Capitalism, (The Contemporary United States)|Patrick Renshaw. As its subtitle indicates, Flatterland by Ian Stewart is "like Flatland, only more so". In it, we follow the protagonist, Vikki Line, on her journey through space as she learns first-hand. Ian Stewart. $ Nature's Numbers: The Unreal Reality of Mathematics (Science Masters Series) Ian Stewart. $ - $ 17 Equations that Changed the World. Ian Stewart. $ - $ Why Beauty Is Truth: The Story of Symmetry.
"Flatterland" is a very thought-provoking book by Ian Stewart. It is the sequel to "Flatland". I would call it a mathematical fiction book. It is about a girl from Flatland, a 2D world. She is called Victoria Line (all women on Flatland are lines). Now, British mathematician and accomplished science writer Ian Stewart has written a fascinating, modern sequel t As both a witty satire of Victorian society and a means by which to explore the fourth dimension, Flatland remains a tour de force. "Like Flatland only more so" is the cover claim of the new book by my friend Ian Stewart, and, like most Flatland purists, I was very skeptical when I first encountered that description.