Ebook {Epub PDF} Floor Four by A. Lopez Jr.
Floor four is a short, horror story about a serial killer who kills people in a brutal way and continues to do so, even after his death. The hospital he haunts is a favorite place for children and teenagers to venture into in their attempt to see if the fourth floor is indeed haunted like the stories say it is/5(). If you like your scares with a twist of The Twilight Zone, then you’ll love Floor Four’s take on the supernatural. Grab Floor Four and walk the haunted halls today! © A. . Read "Floor Four" by A. Lopez Jr available from Rakuten Kobo. An old abandoned hospital haunted by the ghost of a serial killer. A group of friends too curious for their own good. An 4/5(7).
Listen to Floor Four by A. Lopez Jr. with a free trial.\nListen to bestselling audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. An old abandoned hospital haunted by the ghost of a serial killer. A group of friends too curious for their own good. An old man hiding a secret. An old abandoned hospital haunted by the ghost of a serial killer. A group of friends too curious for their own good. An old man hiding a secret.\n\nThe old and vacant Saint Vincent Hospital is said to be haunted by the ghost of David Henry Coleman, the notorious serial killer known as The Mangler. Coleman died on the fourth floor after being shot by police. Floor Four: A Novella of Horror - Ebook written by A. Lopez Jr.. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Floor Four: A Novella of Horror.
Read "Floor Four" by A. Lopez Jr available from Rakuten Kobo. An old abandoned hospital haunted by the ghost of a serial killer. A group of friends too curious for their own good. An. Read Book Floor Four Kindle Edition A Lopez Jr Floor Four Kindle Edition A Lopez Jr If you ally compulsion such a referred floor four kindle edition a lopez jr book that will present you worth, acquire the entirely best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. Floor four is a short, horror story about a serial killer who kills people in a brutal way and continues to do so, even after his death. The hospital he haunts is a favorite place for children and teenagers to venture into in their attempt to see if the fourth floor is indeed haunted like the stories say it is.