Ebook {Epub PDF} Levitations by J.H. Phrydas
· Phrydas’ recent work can be found in Aufgabe, Fact-Simile, and Tract/Trace, and h is first book, Levitations, was published this autumn by Timeless, Infinite Light (Oakland, CA). He currently works as a gardener and landscaper in Echo Park and loves online correspondence. JH Phrydas is a poet who brutally pins his hopes on the sun and moon to come. If neoliberalism is the enemy of our utopian longings, Levitations refuses to be stuck: “With a hatchet, I could fuck this floor up. I could hack a hole through which to pull him, up into her warmth.”. · Levitations by JH Phrydas Timeless, Infinite Light pp. / $ Deliberately locating embodiment within rooms of his own construction, JH Phrydas draws from somatic poetics and a homecoming to the Bay Area’s queer subculture for Levitations, his first full-length collection of poetry. The central question addressed in his collection is.
JH Phrydas. HOMO OECONOMICOS: a sentence. Levitations, will be published this winter by Timeless, Infinite Light (Oakland, CA). Octavio Quintanilla is the author of the poetry collection, If I. Levitations by JH Phrydas Timeless, Infinite Light pp. / $ Deliberately locating embodiment within rooms of his own construction, JH Phrydas draws from somatic poetics and a homecoming to the Bay Area's queer subculture for Levitations, his first full-length collection of www.doorway.ru central question addressed in his collection is. Levitations Paperback JH Phrydas. Pre-owned Pre-owned Pre-owned. $ Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. 10% off 3+ 10% off 3+ 10% off 3+ Report item - opens in a new window or tab. Description; Shipping and payments; eBay item number: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
He is the author of Levitations (Timeless, Infinite Light, ), Empire in Shade (Essay Press, ), and Imperial Physique (Punctum Books, forthcoming ). Over the past ten years, he has worked as a teacher, writer, editor, and content producer for universities, poetry magazines, startups, and nonprofits. ︎ For Phyrdas, Levitations is the first embrace of many – all surrounding the creation of queer space and community, a destruction of the illusion of set architecture and beliefs, and a personal love poem to the self and other poets that continue to expand our sphere of living and throw us into language that “keeps em from scattering.” ︎. JH Phrydas is a poet who brutally pins his hopes on the sun and moon to come. If neoliberalism is the enemy of our utopian longings, Levitations refuses to be stuck: “With a hatchet, I could fuck this floor up. I could hack a hole through which to pull him, up into her warmth.”.