Ebook {Epub PDF} Novel Marketing: Making Your Author Brand Work for You Your Books by Kate Larking
Kate Larking is the trade book buyer for the University of Calgary Bookstore. A University of Calgary graduate with a degree in Marketing and minor in English, she loves keeping on top of the newest book industry marketing trends. Off hours, between binge-watching anime and leveling-up game characters, she writes speculative fiction for both YA and adult markets/5. The Basics. At a minimum, your business card has to include your name (or pen name), your author website URL, and a basic description of what you write. Think of this part as a tagline for your author career, much like a tagline for your book. Make it easy for people to understand exactly what you focus on in your writing. Social Media for Authors: Book Marketing for Writers Who'd Rather Write - Kindle edition by Kate, Jenny. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Social Media for Authors: Book Marketing for Writers Who'd Rather Write/5(12).
Amy Collins is a publishing industry expert, author of The Write Way, and founder of New Shelves Books, one of the fastest growing book distribution, sales, and marketing companies in North www.doorway.ru a former sales director for a large book and magazine publisher, she has sold to Barnes Noble, Target, Costco, and many other major chains. About the Authors. Fauzia Burke (Author) Fauzia Burke is the founder and president of FSB Associates, one of the first firms to specialize in digital branding and online publicity for books. Founded in , FSB Associates has successfully launched more than 2, online book publicity campaigns. Burke has worked on books by Alan Alda, Sue. Relationship and content marketing with a consistent author brand to your target audience, the readers most likely to love your books. K. Larking, who earned a marketing degree with a minor in English, will tell you how to do novel marketing right so you can keep writing.
The Basics. At a minimum, your business card has to include your name (or pen name), your author website URL, and a basic description of what you write. Think of this part as a tagline for your author career, much like a tagline for your book. Make it easy for people to understand exactly what you focus on in your writing. ช้อปปิ้งออนไลน์ ร้านบุญทาพาณิชย์ จำหน่ายเครื่องใช้ไฟ้ฟ้าทุกชนิดและสินค้าไอทีครบวงจร สาขาเชียงราย โทร: สาขา อ.พาน โทร: สาขา อ.เวียง. How to make your writing stand out: 8 steps. Develop your own, unique writing voice. Carve out your niche. Know your point of view. Build on your interests and passions. Use your expertise to build your brand. Help your intended audience fit in. Do the work so it speaks for itself.