Ebook {Epub PDF} Obsessed by Ted Dekker
· TED DEKKER was not a famous New York Times bestselling author at the time he wrote and published OBSESSED. I was fortunate enough to have discovered him fairly early on and loved his novels. Dekker's wheelhouse is thrillers that combine intriguing, riveting plots with incredible if not frightening and chilling confrontations between good and evil/5(). · OBSESSED [] By Ted Dekker My Review Stars (Rounded To 4 Stars) I finished reading this novel last night (December 1st), and in the spirit of full disclosure I have been if not an ardent fan, at least a steady fan of Dekker's who had loved several of his books, including Adam (), Boneman's Daughters (), The Bride Collector (), The Priest's Graveyard (), and The /5. TED DEKKER was not a famous New York Times bestselling author at the time he wrote and published OBSESSED. I was fortunate enough to have discovered him fairly early on and loved his novels. Dekker's wheelhouse is thrillers that combine intriguing, riveting plots with incredible if not frightening and chilling confrontations between good and evil/5().
Obsessed is a thriller novel by Christian author Ted Dekker. Plot summary. Obsessed tells a story of Stephen Friedman—a successful realtor, a Jewish immigrant, and an orphan who had tried to find out who his parents were for a long time and at last gave up. An unexpected letter from a friend and a newspaper article offer help: Stephen. Obsessed by Ted Dekker starting at $ Obsessed has 8 available editions to buy at Half Price Books Marketplace. OBSESSED [] By Ted Dekker My Review Stars (Rounded To 4 Stars) I finished reading this novel last night (December 1st), and in the spirit of full disclosure I have been if not an ardent fan, at least a steady fan of Dekker's who had loved several of his books, including Adam (), Boneman's Daughters (), The Bride Collector (
TED DEKKER was not a famous New York Times bestselling author at the time he wrote and published OBSESSED. I was fortunate enough to have discovered him fairly early on and loved his novels. Dekker's wheelhouse is thrillers that combine intriguing, riveting plots with incredible if not frightening and chilling confrontations between good and evil. In Ted Dekker's novel 'Obsessed' we meet Stephen Friedman and Roth Braun who are about to find out. Stephen is a wealthy Jewish immigrant who came to America from an orphanage in Russia. Having searched to years with no success, he has come to believe the mother he never knew is lost forever. OBSESSED [] By Ted Dekker My Review Stars (Rounded To 4 Stars) I finished reading this novel last night (December 1st), and in the spirit of full disclosure I have been if not an ardent fan, at least a steady fan of Dekker's who had loved several of his books, including Adam (), Boneman's Daughters (), The Bride Collector (), The Priest's Graveyard (), and The Sanctuary (). Having said that, this earlier work OBSESSED () was not in the same league.