Ebook {Epub PDF} The Cracked Slipper by Stephanie Alexander
Stephanie Alexander is the bestselling author of The Cracked Slipper Series and Charleston Green. She is also a practicing attorney. She lives with her family in Charleston, South Carolina. The Cracked Slipper is a story that tells what happens after Cinderella rides off in the carriage with the Prince. In this case, it is Eleanor Brice who has been picked by 4/5(). The Cracked Slipper is a story that tells what happens after Cinderella rides off in the carriage with the Prince. In this case, it is Eleanor Brice who has been picked by Reviews:
The Cracked Slipper. by Stephanie Alexander. · Ratings · 80 Reviews · published · 6 editions. When Eleanor Brice unexpectedly wins the heart of . Want to Read. Shelving menu. Shelve The Cracked Slipper. Want to Read. Currently Reading. The Cracked Slipper (Cracked Slipper Series Book 1) Stephanie Alexander, author. When Eleanor Brice loses a glass slipper, she unexpectedly gains a royal fiancé and a way out of her abusive stepmother's house. Unfortunately, eight years of mistreatment, isolation, and clandestine book learning hardly prepared Eleanor for life at Eclatant. Download and read the The Cracked Slipper book written by Stephanie Alexander, available in various formats such as PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Tuebl and others. Register now, 7 days free trial. The Cracked Slipper Product Detail: Author: Stephanie Alexander; Publisher: Bublish, Inc. Release: 17 December ; ISBN: ; Page: pages.
Stephanie's bestselling fantasy trilogy, The Cracked Slipper Series, is a fractured fairy tale set in a world of magic and wonder, but with a surprisingly relatable heroine. Publisher's Weekly described The Cracked Slipper as "alluring," and readers have called it "a fantastic find." The complete Cracked Slipper Series is now available!. Stephanie Alexander is the bestselling author of The Cracked Slipper Series and Charleston Green. She is also a practicing attorney. She lives with her family in Charleston, South Carolina. The Cracked Slipper is a story that tells what happens after Cinderella rides off in the carriage with the Prince. In this case, it is Eleanor Brice who has been picked by the Carthean Prince Gregory to become the princess.