Ebook {Epub PDF} The Ghost Dragons Daughter by Beth Bernobich
The Ghost Dragon’s Daughter A Seventy Kingdoms Story by Beth Bernobich This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either. A complete list of all Beth Bernobich's books series in order (11 books) (1 series). Browse plot descriptions, book covers, genres, pseudonyms, ratings and awards. because he and the king's daughter are close friends. Then the majestic ruler of the ghost dragons orders Kai. "The Ghost Dragon's Daughter" is pure delight! This is the story of three young women in a sort of cyber-sorcery, slightly dystopic, alternate China-analogue. On the cusp of adulthood, they struggle to sort out their aspirations, family expectations, and interpersonal relationships under the academic deadline of a deliciously geeky group project/5(9).
Summary Bibliography: Beth Bernobich You are not logged in. If you create a free account and sign in, you will be able to customize what is displayed. The Ghost Dragon's Daughter () Nocturnall () Short Fiction Series. Lóng City and the Seventy Kingdoms. 3 The Ghost Dragon's Daughter () Short Fiction. "One cool, lively, exciting book set in a unique new world-more, please!" - Tamora PierceThe king of Long City is dying. For Kai Zu, the news means more than it does for most former street rats in the small mountain stronghold, because he and the king's daughter are close friends. Then the majestic ruler of the ghost dragons orders Kai to travel across the country to the Phoenix Empire, where. Rachel Davidson Leigh is a teacher, a writer, and an avid fan of young adult LGBTQ fiction. Her hobbies include overanalyzing television shows and playing Yenta with book recommendations. Currently, she lives with her family and two deeply neurotic little dogs.
"The Ghost Dragon's Daughter is a classic "stepping out intoadventure" story, with more twists and turns of classic tropes than thewonderful ghost dragon of the title has scales. There's magic andmathematics, spirit animals and science, and an intelligent young girlwho is finding her path to university and love both longer and rockierthan she'd expected. Beth Bernobich is an American science fiction and fantasy writer. She also goes by the pen name Claire O'Dell. She was born in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania in Her first novel, Passion Play was published by Tor Books in October , and won the Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Epic Fantasy. Her novel, A Study in Honor was published by Harper Voyager in July and won for Best Lesbian Mystery in the Lambda Literary Awards. Jul 4, - The Ghost Dragon's Daughter by Beth Bernobich - book cover, description, publication history.