Ebook {Epub PDF} Vengeance by Megan Miranda

She would later follow this up with the sequel ‘Vengeance’, which she would release in , thus continuing the ongoing story of the series. Represented by the agent Sarah Davies through ‘The Greenhouse Literary Agency’, Megan Miranda has come a long way as an author. Falcon Lake will have its vengeance. When everyone thought Delaney was going to die, Decker made a bargain. Anyone but her. Everyone but her. He never realized someone might actually be listening. Carson pulled Delaney out of the frozen water of Falcon Lake, and he died on the side of the road with his mouth pressed to hers. Troy tried to. In a gripping sequel to celebrated novel, Fracture, New York Times bestselling author Megan Miranda once again straddles the line between life and death. When Carson pulled Delaney out of the frozen water of Falcon Lake, he died on the side of the road with his mouth pressed to hers. When Troy tried to recreate Delaney's accident, the lake took Extent:

Vengeance by Megan Miranda is the sequel to Fracture, and this time the book is in Decker's point of view. After the events from the last book everyone thinks Falcon Lake is haunted and is waiting to get its revenge. Decker loses someone close to him and Delaney knew it would happen, so Decker takes . Vengeance by Megan Miranda is the sequel to Fracture, and this time the book is in Decker's point of view. After the events from the last book everyone thinks Falcon Lake is haunted and is waiting to get its revenge. Decker loses someone close to him and Delaney knew it would happen, so Decker takes his anger out on Delaney, until mysterious. Also by Megan Miranda Prologue Back when everyone believed Delaney was going to die, I made a bargain with God. Correction: I made a bargain. I didn't really believe in a god. I didn't even know how to pray. But I closed my eyes and thought: Not her. We were in the hospital. The doctors were talking to her parents.

Vengeance - Ebook written by Megan Miranda. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you. Vengeance is told from the point of view of Decker, Delaney's best friend (and boyfriend), who pulled her out of the ice and is still haunted by her narrow escape from death. When Decker's father unexpectedly dies, he can't help but feel resentment toward Delaney, who knew what was coming but kept it to herself. Vengeance by Megan Miranda is the sequel to Fracture, and this time the book is in Decker’s point of view. After the events from the last book everyone thinks Falcon Lake is haunted and is waiting to get its revenge.


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