Ebook {Epub PDF} AR by Bill Flanagan
The business of AR (artists and repertoire) people at a record company is to sign new acts and nurture their careers, and lately no one in the industry has been hotter than Jim Cantone. Now the big time calls, and Jim accepts an offer to become head of AR at industry giant WorldWide Records, founded and still run by the legendary maverick Wild Bill DeGaul.3/5(1). Bill Flanagan. · Rating details · ratings · 25 reviews. The business of AR (artists and repertoire) people at a record company is to sign new acts and nurture their careers, and lately no one in the industry has been hotter than Jim Cantone. Now the big time calls, and Jim accepts an offer to become head of AR at industry giant WorldWide Records, founded and still run by the legendary /5(25). It's this sensibility which informs AR, which centers around the fictitious WorldWide Music. One has to wonder how many of these characters are based on Flanagan's encounters: "Wild Bill" DeGaul, the beneficent and just-crazy-enough CEO and founder of WorldWide; J.B. Booth, his fast-talking number one, an ex-marine whose principal skill is bending the rest of the world to fit his reality; Al Hamilton, .
AR: A Novel|Bill Flanagan, A Narrative Textbook Of Psychoanalysis|Peter L. Giovacchini, Power Politics In Kievan Rus': Vladimir Monomakh And His Dynasty, (Studies And Texts)|Martin Dimnik, Super-Real Fields: Totally Ordered Fields With Additional Structure (London Mathematical Society Monographs)|W. Hugh Woodin. Bill Flanagan has 18 books on Goodreads with ratings. Bill Flanagan's most popular book is U2 at the End of the World. Bill Flanagan, Fondly Biting the TV-Network Hand Novelist Bill Flanagan wrote the comedy AR about the smooth operators and the scatty artists who make the music business so entertaining; now he's.
Flanagan, a senior vice president of VHI who has written extensively about the music industry, takes to fiction like an old hand. Fast-paced, funny, poignant, and, of course, sharply observed, this is first and foremost an entertainment. But Flanagan’s music industry is additionally a legitimate and unsettling metaphor for the way we live now. Bill Flanagan (born Janu) [citation needed] is an American author, television executive and radio host. He was born in Rhode Island and graduated from Brown University in His books include Written in My Soul (), Last of the Moe Haircuts (), U2 at the End of the World (), and the novels AR (), New Bedlam ( Bill Flanagan is the author of the novels, FIFTY IN REVERSE, EVENING'S EMPIRE, AR and NEW BEDLAM, as well as two non-fiction books, WRITTEN IN MY SOUL and U2 AT THE END OF THE WORLD, and a humor collection, LAST OF THE MOE HAIRCUTS. He has written for Esquire, GQ, Rolling Stone, Spy, Vanity Fair, The New York Times, and many other magazines and newspapers.