Ebook {Epub PDF} De doofpotgeneraal by Edwin Giltay

 · Banned Books Museum. Banned Books, Keelatud Kirjandus, is a museum in Tallinn, Estonia that preserves banned, censored, and burned books from around the world. We tell the stories of our books and their authors, and provide resources for learning about the history of censorship, contemporary challenges, and the free exchange of ideas. S1E2 – Edwin Giltay, Whistleblower, on the Bosnian War and a Dutch Cover-up. The second episode of Banned Voices is available now! Our guest is Dutch author Edwin Giltay, who discusses his book “De Doofpotgeneraal” and the aftermath of its release. The book details a scandal in Dutch military intelligence regarding film footage of war crimes that took place in Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. De recruiter die Giltay had benaderd, wilde publiek maken dat die foto’s allerminst waren mislukt. En laat dát nu de positie van een zekere driesterrengeneraal hebben ondermijnd. De doofpotgeneraal is de weerslag van dit spionageschandaal. De absurde gevolgen worden door Giltay nauwgezet beschreven.

Edwin Giltay is the author of De doofpotgeneraal ( avg rating, 9 ratings, 0 reviews, published ). In this episode our guest Edwin Giltay discusses his book De doofpotgeneraal, which details a scandal in Dutch military intelligence regarding film footage of war crimes that took place in Srebrenica during the Bosnian war, and the consequent banning and un-banning of his book. Alphen Auteur Edwin Giltay mag zijn boek 'De doofpotgeneraal', over het mislukte fotorolletje van Srebrenica, niet langer verspreiden of promoten. Dat heeft de rechtbank Den Haag gevonnist.

Als De Vos De Passie Preekt pdf download (Hans Petermeijer) Als Uw Woorden Opengaan www.doorway.ru Jos Douma. Amigurumi / Breien boek - Christel www.doorway.ru The Cover-up General is a non-fiction thriller by Dutch author Edwin F. Giltay, first published in The book describes an espionage scandal he witnessed first-hand, within military intelligence of the Armed forces of the Netherlands. At the root of it all was the infamous film roll of Srebrenica depicting war crimes, which was misdeveloped by a navy photo laboratory. S1E2 – Edwin Giltay, Whistleblower, on the Bosnian War and a Dutch Cover-up. The second episode of Banned Voices is available now! Our guest is Dutch author Edwin Giltay, who discusses his book “De Doofpotgeneraal” and the aftermath of its release. The book details a scandal in Dutch military intelligence regarding film footage of war crimes that took place in Srebrenica during the Bosnian War.


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