Ebook {Epub PDF} Dirty Like Me by Jaine Diamond

― Jaine Diamond, Dirty Like Me. 4 likes. Like “The last time I wore a dress for a man it was white, and that didn’t turn out so well for me. I sure as fuck wasn’t going down that road again—bending over backwards to be what I wasn’t to try to please a guy. Any guy.”/5.  · Review: Dirty Like Me by Jaine Diamond. Posted March 5, by Shari in Reviews / 8 Comments. Tags: Contemporary Romance, Dirty, Dirty Like Me, Jaine Diamond, Rock Band Romance. Dirty like me starts off with a bang as Katie Bloom comes out of the rain at her best friends business and meets a rock start she doesn’t know, but seems to be. Dirty Like Brody: A Dirty Rockstar Romance (Dirty, Book 2) - Kindle edition by Diamond, Jaine. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Dirty Like Brody: A Dirty Rockstar Romance (Dirty, Book 2)/5().

Dirty Like Me on Amazon —With enormous gratitude, Jaine. OTHER BOOKS BY JAINE DIAMOND DIRTY SERIES Dirty Like Us (Dirty #) If you enjoyed Dirty Like Me, you won't want to miss this crazy beginning to Zane and Maggie's story (it wouldn't be Zane's without a little crazy in it!). Dirty Like Me (Dirty #1) Dirty Like Brody (Dirty #2) A Dirty Wedding Night (Dirty #) DIRTY LIKE ME A broiling-over-with-desire, fake-to-real romance, featuring a charming, famous heartbreaker, a sweet "regular" girl, a salacious job offer, a ridiculous bet, and way too many shared hotel beds. A gorgeous rock star. An indecent proposal. Recommended Romantic Reads Author: Jaine Diamond Series: Dirty My passion for writing romance has without question been inspired by my love of reading great stories. I start my blog with a review of some books by one of my absolute favourite authors, Jaine Diamond. I'm thrilled to spread the word about her books, because quite frankly, they deserve it.

Jaine DiamondAverage rating · 35, ratings · 2, reviews · shelved , times. Showing 18 distinct works. sort by. popularity original publication year title average rating number of pages. Dirty Like Me (Dirty, #1) by. Jaine Diamond (Goodreads Author) avg rating — 8, ratings — published — 7 editions. Review. Dirty like me starts off with a bang as Katie Bloom comes out of the rain at her best friends business and meets a rock start she doesn’t know, but seems to be flashing him with a wet t-shirt. Needless to say she gets the part in his upcoming music video which she wasn’t even auditioning, nor wanted. As a struggling barista and. Dirty Like Me is the first full-length novel in the Dirty series - a rockstar romance series about the members of the rock band Dirty and the women and men who love them. © Jaine Diamond (P) Jaine Diamond.


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