Ebook {Epub PDF} Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India by Joseph Lelyveld

GREAT SOUL: MAHATMA GANDHI AND HIS STRUGGLE WITH INDIA is most assuredly an apt title for this new study of the life of Gandhi because as soon as the book appeared it was banned in India and in other places where Gandhi's influence is considered akin to heavenly/5. Great Soul.: Joseph Lelyveld. Vintage Books, - Biography Autobiography - pages. 3 Reviews. A highly original, stirring book on Mahatma Gandhi 4/5(3). Lelyveld brings to his subj From Publishers Weekly. In this rigorous biography of India's beloved political and spiritual leader, Lelyveld (Move Your Shadow) offers an unexpected perspective on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (–), one that focuses more 4/5(77).

Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India is a biography Pulitzer Prize-winning author Joseph Lelyveld and published by Alfred A Knopf. Great Soul has ratings and 85 reviews. Reading Joseph Lelyveld's sensitive and informative biography of the life of Mahatma Gandhi is enriching in many. 1 quote from Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi. Great Soul has ratings and 85 reviews. Reading Joseph Lelyveld's sensitive and informative biography of the life of Mahatma Gandhi is enriching in many. 1 quote from Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India: 'I should like to slip out of the public gaze to bury myself in the farm and devot. These have to do with Gandhi the social reformer, with his evolving sense of his constituency and social vision, a narrative that's usually subordinated to that of the struggle for independence. The Gandhi I've pursued is the one who claimed once to "have been trying all my life to identify myself with the most illiterate and downtrodden.".

Great Soul. Joseph Lelyveld. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, - Biography Autobiography - pages. 5 Reviews. A highly original, stirring book on Mahatma Gandhi that deepens our. Lelyveld, Joseph. Great soul: Mahatma Gandhi and his struggle with India / Joseph Lelyveld.—1st ed. p. cm. “This is a Borzoi book”—T.p. verso. Includes bibliographical references and index. eISBN: 1. Gandhi, Mahatma, – 2. Statesmen—India—Biography. 3. Nationalists—India—Biography. 4. “Great Soul” concentrates on what he calls Gandhi’s “evolving sense of his constituency and social vision,” and his subsequent struggle to impose that vision on an India at once.


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