Ebook {Epub PDF} Hunger Makes the Wolf by Alex Wells
· A free excerpt from Alex Wells' witchy SF action novel, Hunger Makes the Wolf, published by Angry Robot in March Hunger Makes the Wolf - Ebook written by Alex Wells. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Hunger Makes the Wolf. · Lest you think Wells’ intent is to lecture, let me be clear that Hunger Makes the Wolf is first and foremost an action story about a mercenary biker gang on a planet that gives people witch powers. Labor issues are central to the novel’s thematic architecture, but entertainment is the goal.
Hunger Makes the Wolf. by Alex Wells Series: Hob Ravani, #2 eARC, pg. Angry Robot, Read: January 6 - 10, Let's just get this out there — this is a very cool novel. If you dig SF that's not beholden to space ships and lots of future tech — and can even handle a little bit of magic, you'll want to read this one. Hunger Makes the Wolf by: Alex Wells. Buy the ebook version now - only. Hunger Makes The Wolf by Alex Wells Highly Recommended! Published by Angry Robot Publication Date: March 7th, Available as eBook paperback - Pages Source: NetGalley (Thank You!) Alternately you can see me ramble incoherently on Youtube on the All Booked Up Booktube Channel. I'm not sure how to describe.
With Hunger Makes the Wolf, Wells does the Western thing but more literally. Her story is set on Tanegawa’s World, a dry and dusty mining colony, described with a geologist's eye. (Wells' day job is as a geologist, and I met Wells at Worldcon) Hob Ravani, a young woman and orphan, has become a member of the Ghost Wolves, a band of mercenaries / outlaws. Hunger Makes the Wolf - Ebook written by Alex Wells. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Hunger Makes the Wolf. edit data. Alex Wells is a writer, geologist, and sharp-dressed sir. They’ve had short stories in Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, Daily Science Fiction, Shimmer, and more. They are an active member of SFWA, the Northern Colorado Writer’s Workshop, and Codex. Alex loves movies, nerdy things, cats, and writing, and blog about all this and more.