Ebook {Epub PDF} King Solomons Wives: Hunted by Holly McDowell

by. Holly McDowell (Goodreads Author) · Rating details · 28 ratings · 13 reviews. In the aftermath of a brutal, coordinated attack by male Hunters, the descendants of King Solomon’s harem have gone into hiding. Terrified, hungry, and mourning the loss of their Sisters, they live in fear and isolation, trying to avoid capture and hoping to find a way to reach each other/5.  · Women descended from the "wives" of King Solomon's harem are living out an ancient affliction: they must reproduce before they turn 25, they will die when they give birth to the next daughter in their line, and all the while they're being hunted by a 4/5. - King Solomon's Wives book. Read 36 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The two thousand descendants of King Solomon’s ancient harem h.

King Solomon's Wives is a serial fantasy novel that McDowell is releasing in e-book format, one chapter at a time, although each "chapter" is really more like a novella— pages or so. (The first two chapters, Hunted and Addicted, are both available now in Amazon.) The Wives are modern-day women who are descendants of King Solomon's. Holly McDowell-KSW: Hunted The two thousand descendants of King Solomon's ancient harem have the ultimate power of seduction: Their very touch is as addictive as any drug. But that power comes at a price: Wives die giving birth. They can only bear daughters. Blue Heaven is a week-long peer workshop/retreat for critiquing novels that has been meeting every twelve to eighteen months since The workshop is named for Himmelblau (Blue Heaven) House, the Victorian bed and breakfast on Kelleys Island where we originally held the retreat.

by. Holly McDowell (Goodreads Author) · Rating details · 28 ratings · 13 reviews. In the aftermath of a brutal, coordinated attack by male Hunters, the descendants of King Solomon’s harem have gone into hiding. Terrified, hungry, and mourning the loss of their Sisters, they live in fear and isolation, trying to avoid capture and hoping to find a way to reach each other. Book trailer for Holly McDowell's King Solomon's Wives series: Women alive today who descended from the women in King Solomon's ancient harem are hunted for. A Wife’s addictive touch may be used only for procreation or to protect the clan. A Wife shall sacrifice herself for her daughter at the age of twenty-four. But tonight, the rules have been broken, and someone must pay. In the blistering first episode of King Solomon’s Wives, we meet Sumarra on the night she plans to conceive.


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