Ebook {Epub PDF} Love Letter to America by Tomas Schuman

out of 5 starsThe love letter is a warning. Reviewed in the United States on . Verified Purchase. Like many immigrants, the author doesn't wish to see the West - and America in particular - seduced by socialism and communism. This book remains just as relevant as when it was first released/5(29). Love letter to America World thought Police by Yuri Bezmenov aka. Tomas Schuman () Edited by Daniel Studzinski DAST  · Dear Americans, My name is Tomas David Schuman. I am what you may call a "defector" from the USSR, and I have a message for you: I love you very much. I love all of you-- liberals and conservatives, "decadent capitalists" and "oppressed masses," blacks and whites and browns and yellows, rednecks and www.doorway.ruted Reading Time: 9 mins.

Author of Love Letter to America, Bezmenov World Thought Police , and Black is Beautiful, Communism is Not. Directory listing for www.doorway.ru Both here, and in his lectures, he outlines everything we're experiencing and will experience. I think both Bezmenov and Bill Cooper were some of the most important voices in the "conspiracy theory" community because of how seemingly prophetic their writings and lectures were. Continue this thread. View Entire Discussion (4 Comments).

Dear Americans, My name is Tomas David Schuman. I am what you may call a "defector" from the USSR, and I have a message for you: I love you very much. I love all of you-- liberals and conservatives, "decadent capitalists" and "oppressed masses," blacks and whites and browns and yellows, rednecks and intellectuals. Love letter to America World thought Police by Yuri Bezmenov aka. Tomas Schuman () Edited by Daniel Studzinski DAST He wrote a book “Love Letter to America” and used his pen name Tomas Schuman. The book was truly a “Love Letter” because, in it, Yuri warned the U.S. that the Communists under the USSR had been planning the destruction of our way of life for many years. This was truly diabolical because it was pure evil and Satanic.


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