Ebook {Epub PDF} Darkspell by Katharine Kerr

 · Dragonspell by Katharine Kerr, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. Darkspell. Katharine Kerr. 25 Jul Paperback. US$ US$ Save US$ Add to basket. Dawnspell. Katharine Kerr. 25 Jul  · Katharine Kerr has extensively rewritten Darkspell, incorporating major changes in the text, making this her definitive edition. Here the epic saga that began with the Daggerspell continues--a tale of might and magic, lust and glory, dark danger and poignant desires that echo from Deverry's sapphire waters to its secret mountain caverns. Darkspell is the 2nd book in the Deverry Cycle. Darkspell was originally published in hardcover format by Doubleday in September Del Rey published a mass market paperback edition in January An "author's definitive edition", with revisions to the text, was published by Bantam Spectra in November in mass market paperback format. Bantam Spectra published the revised edition as an.

Darkspell is the 2nd book in the Deverry Cycle. Darkspell was originally published in hardcover format by Doubleday in September Del Rey published a mass market paperback edition in January An "author's definitive edition", with revisions to the text, was published by Bantam Spectra in November in mass market paperback format. Bantam Spectra published the revised edition as an. Find Darkspell by Kerr, Katharine at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Deverry Ser.: Darkspell by Katharine Kerr (, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

Editions for Darkspell: (Paperback published in ), (Mass Market Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition), (Pap. Katharine Kerr has extensively rewritten Darkspell, incorporating major changes into the text, making this her definitive edition. Here the epic saga that began with Daggerspell continues--a tale of might and magic, lust and glory, dark danger and poignant desires that echo from Deverry's sapphire waters to its secret mountain caverns. Kerr delivers a continuation of the captivating Cloud Atlas-esque story of Nobody and his fate (wyrd). This book follows two timelines out of Nevyn's many iterations. I found both timelines exciting in completely different ways, especially the timeline that was started in the first book of the series.


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